Archive for February 23rd, 2011

Jagged Lavender – Lavandula buchii

Jagged Lavender
Jagged Lavender

This tropical evergreen lavender is native to the Canary Islands and the Island of Madeira. Seeds and plants are obtained from the Tenerife Botanical Garden. In full sun this plant blooms from spring through fall. L. buchii has violet lavender colored flowers with a pleasant aromatic scent

The ancient Egyptians used lavender in their mummification process, and also to perfume their skin. Decorative urns were found in the pyramids with traces of lavender still within.

Lavender was used during the Renaissance period to protect against the black plague. The plague was transmitted by fleas on rats, and lavender repels fleas!

An interesting note that was found in several sources was that the flowers of this lavender are not for human consumption!